High-Risk Work (HRW) Licences

7 min readAug 9, 2022


If you want to work in areas of high risk, you should note that safety is of paramount importance and compliance is undoubtedly non-negotiable. A high-risk work (HRW) license is required to operate some machinery such as forklift trucks, elevated work platforms, and slewing mobile cranes, erect scaffolding, or carry out rigging or dogging work. Safety Australia Training Group offers flexible, easy-to-access, and reliable training options that let you learn how to choose a safe manner to do your work, work with different machines and equipment, conduct routine checks on a machine, safely plan the work, and safely shut down and secure equipment after operations. You will be able to work in any state or territory in Australia if you have a legal HRW licence. All high-risk work licenses are valid for 5 years and after this time, the license will need to be renewed.

Here you can find useful information about some of our courses to get licences such as dogging licence, elevating work platform (over 11 meters) license, C6 slewing mobile crane, license forklift license, and two levels of rigging licenses.

Dogging Licence

A high-risk work license is needed before carrying out dogging work in Australia. Your knowledge, skills, and training would be assessed by a Registered Training Organization (RTO) under realistic workplace conditions. This high-risk work license will enhance your skillset and you will be able to gain employment or start a new career path.

What is dogging work?

Dogging consists of two main aspects:

  • Applying appropriate slinging techniques for moving a load(considering load weight, size, shape, and center of gravity and checking lifting gear like ropes, slings, hooks, cables, and chains)
  • Directing a hoist or crane operator when the load is out of their view.

Who is qualified to undertake dogman work?

Dogman or dogger, a person who is carrying out dogging work, must have a Dogging HRW License. Licensed riggers that have completed the Dogging Unit of Competency can also undertake dogging work. A worker who is enrolling in a Dogging HRW License training course can only under the supervision of a licensed dogger perform dogging work.

How to obtain a dogging licence?

You should undergo a few days of dogging course. The course is a mixture of practical and theoretical learning. To participate, suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is necessary.

After receiving a dogman license, you can start performing dogging work on construction sites. You can do any dogman activities such as slinging loads or directing crane or hoist operators.

Elevating Work Platform (over 11 Meters) Licence

An elevated work platform (EWP) license makes you qualified to use elevating work platforms where the length of the boom is 11 meters or more. The high-risk work license will enhance your skillset, you will be able to gain employment or start a new career path.

Who needs an EWP over 11 meters licence?

Technicians, trades workers, machinery operators, drivers, and laborers require this license to raise and lower a work platform for equipment, personnel, and materials on construction sites. These units are usually mobile, coming in variable boom heights.

How to obtain an EWP licence?

The EWP course allows one to apply for a high-risk work license. You will learn how to operate, secure, set up, and shut down the elevating work platform as well as plan the work and conduct routine checks. This course concludes with practical and theoretical learning, such as a pre-course study guide, training with safety videos, demonstrations, and instructions for practical training to meet all the requirements. You will also learn necessary clear communication techniques such as 2-way radios, hand signals, signage, and more. Furthermore, you will be able to advise others regarding potential hazards, assess environmental conditions, and assess ground conditions.

Once you have this license, you will be qualified to legally and safely operate elevated work platforms in a wide range of industries including construction, building, mining, demolition, forestry, and more.

Forklift Licence

If you want to drive a forklift truck, it is important to be familiar with the machine’s functions and operation. In addition, you should be completely aware of all the possible risks. A forklift license qualifies you to operate a forklift truck anywhere in Australia. As you probably know, these versatile machines are used in a wide range of industries, being a great start to a career.

Forklift Course Delivery

You will be trained in a professional course by our knowledgeable team. We offer high-quality and reliable forklift training that gives you the practical and technical skills, meeting the highest standards of compliance and safety as a forklift operator in any industry. After successful completion of the course, you will achieve a forklift ticket, being after that able to legally drive a forklift truck. The training course contains a practical and a theoretical component. You will be able to apply the theory you learn directly in practice, which makes the course indeed interactive.

With the Licence to operate a forklift truck you get:

  • A pre-course study guide
  • Forklift training plan in detail
  • Health and safety training through videos and also live demonstrations
  • Practical instructions provided by our experienced trainers
  • Valid forklift certification for any industry

C6 Slewing Mobile Crane Licence

A C6 slewing mobile crane is a mobile crane with a Maximum Rated Capacity (MRC) of up to 60 tons, incorporating a boom or jib which can be slewed. As you know, cranes are used in a wide range of construction areas and industries in which heavy loads need to be transported and moved. Having C6 slewing mobile crane license will provide many opportunities, leading you into a huge variety of thriving industries such as construction sites, mines, maritime ports, manufacturing plants, and so much more.

C6 slewing mobile crane Course Delivery

You will be trained on how to perform safe crane operation activities. It is a great start for someone who wants to improve their employment prospects and students who want to pursue studying rigging or dogging. Through this course, you will develop your skills, and learn the safe methods to operate a crane. The training course contains a practical and a theoretical component. You will learn how to do site planning, conduct pre-operational checks, set up and shut down the crane, and additional skills that make you able to work as a crane operator with a high standard.

Participants will develop the following skills and knowledge:

  • Load calculations
  • Understanding load charts
  • Planning operations and pre-start checks
  • Slewing crane operation principles
  • Crane movements and stability
  • Operating a slewing mobile crane and moving loads
  • Assess ground conditions
  • Accurately maintain and record information regarding crane operation
  • Different communication techniques such as hand signals, whistles, and two-way radios
  • Post-operational checks and shutdown procedures

Rigging Licence

Rigging is defined as using mechanical load shifting equipment such as moving and transporting, positioning, lifting, and pulling. You are required to have this license if you want to carry out any rigging work. To maximize the flexibility and safety of our rigging license courses, we offer multiple learning options which enable you to choose a program that meets your exact needs. Therefore, there are two levels of tasks that can be done by Riggers; basic and intermediate.

Rigging Licence-Basic Level

Stepping up from the dogman course, the basic rigging license course includes additional training in movement of plant and equipment, hazard control measures, using hoists, placing pre-cast concrete, erecting structural steel, using static lines, and using safety nets and harnesses.

Rigging License-Intermediate Level

Once you complete your basic rigging license, you can apply to take this course that will qualify you to take on more complex works.

You will learn about rigging cranes, dredges, conveyors, and excavators. Master the rigging performs jobs like the rigging of a span rope, derrick, and gin pole, and the installation of a swinging stage. This qualification will make you more attractive to potential employers because you know the safest and most efficient rigging methods.

It should be noted that we have designed rigging courses beyond a standard dogman course and you will acquire the right qualifications to do specific jobs on different construction sites.

For all high-risk work courses, there are some requirements:

  • Being able to read and write basic English (Workplace Health and Safety requirement)
  • For all high-risk work courses, the candidate has to be at least 18 years old. (Workplace Health and Safety requirement)
  • Provide three forms of identification
  • For some courses: Wear safety boots or steel capped on site; sun protection — Hat, long-sleeved shirt, and pants are also recommended

For all high-risk licenses, there are some important notes you should remember:

  • High-risk work licenses have a 5-year life span. So you need to renew your license every 5 years like a driver’s license.
  • If your High-risk Work license has expired, you are not a licensed operator until you have it renewed.
  • If your High-risk Work license has expired, the operator has up to 12 months to renew it.
  • After 12 months of expiring, you cannot renew your license. In this case, you will have no choice but to come and do the practical and written exam again.

source : https://safetyaustraliatraining.com.au/high-risk-work-hrw-licences/




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